Utilization of Oceanographic Data in Determining the Crab Fishing Ground for KUB Sido Makmur and KUB Jasa Laut

Community service is one of the activities of the Tri Dharma of Higher Education which must be carried out to benefit the general public and advance community welfare.
On Thursday, November 12, 2020, a community service program was carried out for the Sido Makmur Joint Business Group (KUB) and Marine Services KUB in Teluk Awur Village, Tahunan District, Jepara Regency.
This activity is conducted by Dr. Aris Ismanto and is a collaborative activity between the Department of Oceanography, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences, PUI CoREM, and the Center for ICZM, Diponegoro University.
This community service program is carried out by providing socialization of fishing ground maps for crabs in Awur Bay.
Furthermore, there was also assistance in the form of crab traps and fishing ground map calendars for small crabs. The fishing ground map is obtained by utilizing oceanographic data. The recipients of this aid are fishermen who are members of KUB Sido Makmur and KUB Jasa Laut.
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