Undip’s Rector: Position Served Contains Noble Duties and Responsibilities

Diponegoro University held another official inauguration this morning. Located in the Hall of the Undip SAMWA Building, there were six officials who were directly appointed by the Undip Rector. The inauguration ceremony was attended by Deputy Chancellors, Deans, Chair of the Academic Senate, Deputy Chair of the Board of Trustees, as well as officials at Diponegoro University. This event began with singing the song Indonesia Raya, then continued with the reading of the decision to appoint an official.
The officials inaugurated were the Head of the Academic Administration and Student Affairs Bureau and three people held the positions of the Head of the Study Program, namely Edy Surahmad, S.Pd., M.Si. (Head of Academic Administration and Student Affairs); Dr. Suryono, S.Si., M.Si. (Head of Information Systems Doctoral Study Program (S3)); Dr. Budi Warsito, S.Si., M.Si. (Head of Information Systems Master Program (S2)); Dr. Andriyani, S.E., M.M. (Head of the PSDKU Management D3 Study Program). Followed by the First Appointment in the Functional Position of Physiotherapy and Functional Librarian, by inaugurating Idiawati Nurlim, S.Ft. (First Physiotherapist) and Bekti Iskandar, S.Hum. (First Expert Librarian).
The taking of the oath of office was led by Undip Rector Prof. Dr. Yos Johan Utama, SH., M.Hum. accompanied by the clergy. The event continued with the signing of a handover letter, followed by the inauguration of the position by the Undip Rector. In his speech, Undip Rector, Prof. Yos emphasized that structural and functional officials have the same duties and responsibilities. All those who work at Undip play a role in helping students and advancing Undip, so they have the same responsibility to carry out tasks as sworn in.
Behind this inauguration, there were many responsibilities especially the responsibility for the welfare of the Indonesian people, with efforts to practice Pancasila and build the Republic of Indonesia. “Undip takes firm action against violations that occur in carrying out their duties. Please do show achievement in carrying out a noble task. Congratulations on your new position, hopefully, you all will be blessed. Don’t make it a problem. With the increase in positions, hopefully, it will get better,” stated Prof. Yos.
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