Undip’s Naval Engineering Aims for AIBEE International Accreditation in 2021

Undip’s Naval Architecture and Shipbuilding Engineering Study Program
at The Faculty of Engineering, is aiming for the international accreditation status of the IABEE (Indonesian Accreditation Board for Engineering Education) in 2021 as an encouragement towards an excellent accreditation. The preparation to achieve IABEE has been carefully prepared, and a visitation schedule has been determined from the accreditation institution.
Dr Eng Hartono Yudo ST MT, the Head of Departement and the Study Program stated that the visitation schedule has been planned on November 30 until Desember 2, 2020. This activity would be done online due to the COVID-19 Pandemic. The result will be pronounced on the early of 2021. “We hope that on February 2021 the Naval Architecture and Shipbuilding Engineering Study Program have had internationally accredited in IABBE” said by Hartono Yudo.
According to Yudo, the IABBE Accrediation will strengthening the Department’s readiness in applying an Outcome Base Education. This means that every courses should have a learning outcomes that support an independent professional profile to produce work-ready graduates. “We’re planning to become a Department of Naval Architecture that excels in marine and marine technology research at the national level and is able to compete at the international level. It is in accordance with our vision,” he said.
As for now, The UNDIP Naval Architecture Study Program currently has an S1 program with A Accreditation. Undip Naval Engineering is actually a new Study Program, which officially established in October 2002. However, this Study Program has managed to make various jumps, and since 2016 it has pocketed the A Predicate from BAN-PT (Higher Education National Accreditation Board) with Decree Number 1057 / SK / BAN-PT / Akred / S / VI / 2016 and ISO 9001: 2015 Certification.
When they first accepted new students in 2003, there were 40 students who joined. In the following years, the average number accepted was 130 students. Meanwhile, in the 2020/2021 school year, 172 students were recorded, with a total of around 500 students who are currently studying.
Surely, the total number of the Department’s permananet lecturers are 17 people. With six lecturers titled as Doctor, the other two are taking Doctoral education, and another two lecturers just started to take Doctoral program this year. Some of them are studying inside and outside Indonesia. “It is expected that the next three years, the lecturers with doctoral degree would be 10 in total. With those numbers, added with another lecturers from another major, would make a 1:25 ratio for lecturers compared to the students,”
Undip’s Department of Naval Architecture and Shipbuilding Engineering produces graduates to become professionals in the field of engineers, entrepreneurs, managers, academics, and researchers. To produce graduates with superior abilities in applying basic sciences and expertise in Naval and Maritime Engineering, to support lectures, Naval Architecture and Shipbuilding Engineering UNDIP is equipped with six superior laboratories.
The laboratories are the Ship Hydrodynamics Laboratory, the Ship Structural and Construction Laboratory, the Plumbing System and Ship Machinery Laboratory, the Computer Assisted Ship Planning Laboratory, the Ship Welding and Meterial Laboratory, and the Small Ship and Fisheries Laboratory.
To prepare excellent graduates, the lecturing pattern in Undip’s Naval Architecture is also equipped with practical work. Students are required to attend practical work for two months, namely at the Indonesian Classification Bureau (BKI) and shipyard.
All of these things are done to succeed the vision and mission of Naval Architecture and Shipbuilding Engineering, namely to provide excellent and professional academic education in the fields of shipping and maritime technology so as to produce competitive graduates. The prospects for our graduate work are wide, it can be at Pertamina, shipyards, BKI, Pelni, Pelindo, offshore development, entry into the Career Soldier Scholarship in the Navy, in a number of private companies and become State Civil Servants in a number of Ministries, especially the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries. , Ministry of Environment and Forestry and others, ‘’ he said.
The Naval Architecture Study Program is now active in encouraging students and lecturers to conduct research and publication on a regular basis in shipping and maritime technology research and to encourage the ownership of Intellectual Property Rights (HAKI) as an effort to develop shipping and maritime technology. In addition, it also carries out community service with high quality standards to solve community problems in coastal and coastal areas in the field of shipping and maritime technology and help improve community welfare. They also conduct regular evaluations to improve quality, professionalism, capability, accountability and governance as well as independence in the administration of the Naval Architecture and Shipbuilding Engineering Department.
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