UNDIP’s Efforts to Support the Availability of Food Sources by Sowing Fish Seeds

On October 23, 2020, the stocking of fish seeds was held in the Jatibarang Reservoir in the framework of the 63rd Anniversary of Diponegoro University. This activity was held to realize the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) with a fish restocking program.
This event was carried out with a health protocol and was attended by the Rector, Deputy Chancellor, Chair of the Academic Senate, Deputy Chair of the Board of Trustees, and the Faculty / School Dean. In this event, a representative from the Marine and Fisheries Office of Central Java Province, Mayor of Semarang, Balai Besar Pemali Juana River Basin, Head of Health and Environment Laboratory Center of the Central Java Marine and Fisheries Service, and Semarang BTN.
The Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences (FPIK) and the Faculty of Public Health (FKM) are collaborating in organizing today’s event. The event begins with Prof. Ir. Tri Winarni Agustini, M.Sc., Ph.D. as the Dean of FPIK who said that FPIK Undip will conduct guidance for the surrounding community by spreading fish seeds. Thus it is hoped that the fish in the reservoir can develop and become part of the development plan for the Central Java tourism area in the tourist area of the Jatibarang Reservoir.
Head of the Department of Marine Affairs and Fisheries, Central Java Province, Ir. Fendiawan Triskiantoro, M.Si. conveyed that he supports fish development in the Jatibarang Reservoir by participating in sowing tilapia and alum fish seeds. He hopes that fishery products can be processed optimally. Meanwhile, Head of the Semarang City Fisheries Service, Nurcholis, ST., MT, represented the Acting Mayor of Semarang, Drs. Tavip Supriyanto, M.Si. delivered a speech. “The Ministry of Fisheries supports the sovereignty, sustainability, and welfare of the ecosystem by restocking fish in public waters, namely rivers or reservoirs which are now experiencing a decline. Improper fishing facilities reduce the number of fishes. Hopefully, with this collaboration Undip will be more advanced and solid in advancing Semarang City, “he said.
Fish restocking activities are expected to strengthen Undip FPIK cooperation through fish cultivation, while FKM Undip collaborates with local communities to process fishery products into healthy products. Undip Rector Prof. Dr. Yos Johan Utama, S.H., M.Hum. expect that this program can be beneficial for the development of the reservoir water ecosystem. “The restocking program by spreading fish seeds is Undip’s effort to help provide food sources,” he said. Furthermore, Prof. Yos hopes that the 63,000 fish seeds will provide blessings and benefits to the community.
The event continued with a dialogue with representatives of fishermen who catch fish in the Jatibarang Reservoir. “Undip’s presence is very helpful with various community service programs that have been carried out several times, including Covid-19 assistance. Undip assists in fish breeding with cages and also counseling, ”said one fisherman.
Apart from being a tourist attraction, many visitors to the reservoir come to fish. With the distribution of fish seeds and counseling to the surrounding community, it is hoped that fish cultivation can be successful. At the end of the event, the fish stocking was symbolically carried out by the Undip Rector and the officials attending the event. Hopefully, this series of Undip’s 63rd Anniversary events can contribute to maintaining the balance of the public water ecosystem in Semarang City.
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