UNDIP Wins Best Award for Public Service Complaint Manager

Diponegoro University won the title of Best PTN-BH in the Public Service Complaint Manager (LAPOR) category at the 2020 Higher Education Public Relations Award held by the Directorate General of Higher Education (Ditjen Dikti) of the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia on Wednesday night, November 23, 2020. The award was given virtually by the Director-General of Higher Education, Prof. Ir. Nizam, Ph.D.
REPORT! is an effort to integrate the public service complaint management system in one door. The goal is that the public has one complaint channel nationally. Therefore, the Government of Indonesia established the National Public Service Complaint Management System (SP4N) — People’s Online Aspiration and Complaints Service (LAPOR!) Is a service to convey all aspirations and complaints of the Indonesian public through several complaint channels through the website www.lapor.go.id, SMS 1708 (Telkomsel, Indosat, Tri), Twitter @ lapor1708, and mobile applications (Android and iOS).
Until now, SP4N-REPORT! has been connected with 34 Ministries, 96 Institutions, and 493 local governments in Indonesia.
Higher Education Public Relations Award 2020 announced that the Public Service Complaint Manager Category (LAPOR), namely the Best PTN-BH was won by Diponegoro University, the Best LLDikti was LLDikti Region V, the Best PTN-Satker namely Trunojoyo Madura University, and the Best PTN-BLU were won by the University of Lampung.
Diponegoro University Chancellor, Prof. Dr. Yos Johan Utama, SH., M.Hum. expressed his gratitude for the award given by the Higher Education as the Best PTN-BH in the management of this LAPOR public service complaint.
Prof. Yos advised, “Continue to maintain solid collaboration with all lines and units to make it easier to access information availability and speed of complaint handling to improve service quality for the community.”
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