UNDIP is Ready to Open a Masters in Marine Engineering in 2022
The Management of the Naval Architecture and Shipbuilding Engineering Study Program of Diponegoro University is currently finalizing preparations to open a Master Program in Marine Engineering which is scheduled to start in 2022. Various administrative and technical preparations required are continuously refined so that approval and permits required for the implementation of the program to be received as scheduled.
Dr. Eng Hartono Yudo ST MT, the head of department and study program stated that “We are part of the engineering faculty, this year’s priority is to improve the accreditation of other study programs so that all of them can obtain Accreditation A. Therefore, the target of opening a master’s degree in marine engineering is scheduled for 2022.” Right now, the Study Program of Naval Architecture has already obtained an “A” for their accreditation from BAN-PT (
National Accreditation Board for Higher Education). Therefore, there’s a high chance of the availability of the Master Program.
This matter is related to a lot of preparation and the seriousness of the program organizers that are supported by the Faculty as well as the University. “The point is, a permission proposal for the Magister Program of Marine Engineering is getting a lot of support from both the faculty and universities party. Because we put a thoughtful preparation on the proposal, we hope the government gives their permission immediately so we can open the program in 2022,” stated Hartono Yudo.
According to Hartono Yudo, personal preparation for the program that requires a proposal, curriculum preparation, and lecturers in charge is already finished. The attempt of introducing the plan for the program opening to the community is already finished as well.
For the lecturers, there are six prepared lecturers with a doctor's title. On the other hand, two lecturers are taking the doctor’s program and the other two are just started their doctor’s program.
“We expect the Magister’s program market share from sea transportation, lecturers, the Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries, the Indonesian Classification Bureau, and from shipyard companies. RPS has been prepared for each target,” explained Hartono Yudo.
The Department of Naval Architecture and Shipbuilding Engineering UNDIP itself was established in October 2002 and has received BAN-PT Accreditation (National Accreditation Board for Higher Education) with an A predicate based on Decree №1057 / SK / BAN-PT / Akred / S / VI / 2016 and ISO 9001: 2015 Certification. . This study program is equipped with six superior laboratories, namely the Ship Hydrodynamics Laboratory, the Ship Structural, and Construction Laboratory, the Plumbing System and Ship Machinery Laboratory, the Computer-Assisted Ship Planning Laboratory, the Ship Welding and Material Laboratory, and the Small Ship and Fisheries Laboratory.
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