Undip Dominates the 2020 National Unmanned Fast Boat Competition

Again, Diponegoro University students achieved brilliant achievements with their work winning the 2020 National Unmanned Fast Boat Contest. The 2020 KKCTBN which was held at the University of Muhammadiyah Malang had the theme “Maritime Technology Innovation in Handling Covid-19”. The student team from the Naval Architecture became Undip representatives to participate in the event organized by the National Achievement Center, Ministry of Education and Culture of Indonesia. This event is aimed at developing innovations that come from the idea of the nation’s children to overcome the Covid-19 pandemic in the field of maritime and shipping technology.
Undip sent four student teams and won the championship with the designs they created. The contest winners were announced on November 7, 2020, and the achievements achieved by Undip representatives were 1st place in the hospital ship design category, 3rd place in the ambulance ship design category, 1st runner up in the Ro-ro ship design category, and 1st runner up in the ERC design category (Electric Remote Control) Boat.
The success that has been achieved is something to be proud of because Undip students contribute knowledge for the development of technology in Indonesia, especially in the maritime and shipping fields.
The achievements are inseparable from the support of the lecturers who guide their students to always innovate sophisticatedly. Undip continues to support students to produce useful work for the people of Semarang and Indonesia, in line with one of the goals of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which is to build cities and settlements that are inclusive, safe, resilient, and sustainable. It is hoped that this innovation can make people’s lives easier in today’s pandemic conditions.
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