Undip Distributed Hand-sanitizers and Disinfectants to the Askhabul Kahfi Semarang Islamic Boarding School

On Saturday, November 21,v Diponegoro University was initiated by a research and community service team to assist in the form of a hand sanitizer and disinfectant totaling 175 liters to Askhabul Kahfi Mijen Semarang Islamic Boarding School.
The event was packaged in socialization which was attended by 50 representatives of students from grade 12 Madrasah and SMK Askhabul Kahfi at the Auditorium of Askhabul Kahfi Islamic Boarding School.
The target of the above activities is carried out in the context of preventing the covid19 chain in the Askhabul Kahfi boarding school environment because the boarding school has started to be active in teaching and learning activities and one form of community service.
The spirit of cooperation that has been the national identity is now getting stronger amidst the pandemic. Various parties work together to break the chain of spreading Covid-19.
Head of research Dr. Ali Khumaeni said in his presentation that the disinfectant and hand-sanitizer formula was made from non-alcoholic nano-silver colloids. According to Ali, the nano size of colloidal silver can kill bacteria in 30 seconds. Not only that, but Ali also provided a way to make a hand sanitizer from the nano-silver for Askhabul Kahfi students and their team members, namely Evi Setiawati, M.Si, and Zaenal Arifin, M.Sc.
Askhabul Kahfi KH. Nadlirin, M.Pd, in his speech, thanked the Undip team for providing this assistance. Hopefully, the charity and kindness of the Undip community service team will be beneficial and be rewarded by Allah SWT.
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