UNDIP Closes the Series of the 63rd Anniversary with Istighotsah and Prayers for the Safety of the Nation
On Sunday, November 23, Diponegoro University (UNDIP) held a Quran khotmil, recitation, istighotsah, and prayers for the safety of the nation in a series of events commemorating the 63rd Anniversary. The event was held online by presenting KH Yahya Al Mutamakkin, Khodimul Mahad Madinah Munawwarah as the speakers. The event was attended by the Undip Rector, Prof. Dr. Yos Johan Utama SH MHum, students and the community, lecturers, vice-chancellors, and the UNDIP academic community.
The event was opened by the Deputy Head of Undip’s 63rd Anniversary, Dr. Budiyono who is the Dean of the Undip FKM. He said this event at the same time closed the series of 63rd Anniversary. “Hopefully, with this prayer, it can be for our safety and blessings of Allah and be beneficial for the academic community and the Indonesian nation,” he said.
On the same occasion, the Rector of UNDIP Prof. Dr. Yos Johan Utama SH MHum stated that the choice of the title Istigotsah for the safety of the nation is expected to be a prayer for the safety of all people. “Let’s pray for our gratitude for the protection and blessings of Allah SWT. In the midst of the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic, we cannot remain silent. We have an obligation to save the nation and the state of Indonesia. Saving can be in physical and non-physical forms,” said Yos Johan.
The form of non-physical activity such as istighotsah, he said, could protect the Indonesian nation from various things, including from the national division. We see that from other countries such as the Middle East, it was safe at first, but then it was undermined by several things, such as those from religion. “So we must be able and clever to choose and sort out the current situation,” he said.
The Rector is concerned about political dynamics that are detrimental to our nation. “We must be able to sort out the good and the right. Especially for UNDIP, with istighotsah so that UNDIP can always be pleasing to Allah, goodness will be carried out, “he explained.
Meanwhile, KH Yahya Al Mutamakkin also talked about the journey of Prince Diponegoro who also studied religion with several teachers. “So it is important for students or lecturers even though they are busy, they still have to study religion to fortress behavior. This is important because when people started to love the world, it is the beginning of mistakes. If the tendency is the world, then it remains only to wait for the world’s mistakes. The community will quarrel with each other and can even kill because of the world,” said Kyai Haji Yahya.
He added that the world is only a few and a moment. If in the world many justify any means, it is useless. In fact, we do not realize it could be, tomorrow morning the angel of death will pick you up. Therefore, he reminded all of us to continue to be careful.
Lecturers, students, and scientists must realize that the essence of worship is for the provision of the hereafter. God is happy with the ones who are pure and clean, He does not accept unclean deeds. Therefore, do not work for popularity and position. “Make work solely devotion, purely for Allah SWT,” he said.
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