UNDIP Builds Integrity Towards Corruption-Free Areas

Recently, the Ministry of Education and Culture (Kemendikbud) carried out Monitoring and Evaluation activities for the Development of an Integrity Zone towards a Corruption-Free Area / Clean Serving Bureaucratic Area (WBK / WBBM) at Diponegoro University on Friday, November 27.
The activity took place on the 2nd floor of the Rector’s Meeting Room, the Widya Puraya building on the UNDIP Tembalang campus, with the chairperson of the Vice-Rector II meeting for Prof. Dr.rer.nat.Heru Susanto, ST., MM., MT. representing the UNDIP Rector. The event was attended by the Bureaucratic Reform team of the Directorate General of Higher Education, Kemdikbud, chaired by Mohammad Ali Akbar.
The Ministry of Education and Culture has designated 14 State Universities (PTN) including UNDIP as the Intervention Area for the implementation of the Integrity Zone to get the title of a Corruption Free Area (WBK) / Clean and Serving Bureaucratic Area (WBBM) in 2020. Designating PTN as an Intervention Area for the National Strategy for PK (Corruption Prevention National Strategy) includes carrying out bureaucratic reforms to realize healthy higher education governance and free from deviations by improving the quality and integrity of education services.
In his remarks, Mohammad Ali Akbar expressed his appreciation to UNDIP, especially the Faculty of Engineering, which is so serious about carrying out its mandate to bring UNDIP to the title of Free Area from Corruption (WBK) / Clean and Serving Bureaucratic Area (WBBM) in 2020. In general, 5 (five) areas leading to Corruption Free Areas (WBK) are presented, namely change management, governance arrangements, structuring HR management systems, strengthening performance accountability, and strengthening supervision.
Representing the UNDIP Chancellor, Prof. Heru, the nickname of UNDIP Deputy Rector II, expressed his gratitude for the assistance that has been given to prepare UNDIP for the WBK / WBBM area. Many efforts have been made towards WBK / WBBM with 8 (eight) levers so that the program runs efficiently and optimally.
The first lever is change management by holding workshops and training. The second lever is the strengthening of the HR management system, among others, by developing information systems and coaching ASN. The third lever is organizational/institutional strengthening, by compiling an effective and efficient Rector’s Regulation on the Organization and Work Procedures of the Elements under the Rector, “a simple structure but rich in functions”. The fourth lever is strengthening laws and regulations by making regulations that encourage the achievement of WBK / WBBK. The fifth lever is strengthening governance by compiling business maps, e-government, e-office. The sixth lever is strengthening the supervision system. The seventh lever is performance accountability and the eighth lever is strengthening public services by providing the ULT (Integrated Service Unit) facility to manage complaints and improve service excellence and survey the satisfaction of the community and other stakeholders.
More than that, to build WBK / WBBM is to build integrity. “It is expected that all employees, especially those who hold structural and functional positions, will not only have competence and skills, but also high integrity to prevent irregularities and corrupt practices,” explained Prof. Heru.
In line with the above thought, the Dean of the Faculty of Engineering, Prof. Ir. M. Agung Wibowo, MM, MSc, Ph.D. expressed the pride of the Faculty of Engineering is selected as a pilot project towards the 2020 WBK / WBBM predicate. Many things are done, such as compulsory morning apples, collective prayers, and morning cheerful chants. In addition to staff and official rotation programs to minimize any gaps or deviations made if they occupy that place or position for too long.
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