Undip Administrators Improve Public Relations Skills with Sritex & the Indonesian Ministry of National Education

Recently, the Office Administration Study Program, Vocational School of Diponegoro University (Undip) held a Public Lecture Webinar, with the theme “Development of Public Relations Professionalism in the Era of the Industrial Revolution 4.0 and Its Implementation in the Public and Private Sectors.” The speakers of this webinar are Eddy Cahyono Sugiarto (Deputy Assistant of Public Relations of the Ministry of State of the Republic of Indonesia), and Joy Citradewi (Head of Corporate Communication of PT Sri Rejeki Isman Tbk / Sritex). Being held on Wednesday (18/11), this event was moderated by Suwandi, lecturer in Office Administration, Vocational School, Undip. This activity was held from 08.30 to 12.30 WIB, using the zoom could meetings application, followed by around 140 participants, consisting of students and lecturers from Undip.
Joy Citradewi, delivered her material which was adjusted to her work experience as public relations at Sritex, related to “Public Relations 4.0”. Joy said that public relations have a close relationship with technological developments. Nowadays, the role of public relations seems to be increasingly important, in which to counter news including fake news or hoaxes. Joy likens the role of public relations to the eyes and ears of a company. Furthermore, Eddy Cahyono Sugiarto conveyed his material related to “The Transformation of Public Relations in the Indonesian Presidential Institute Continues to Innovate Towards Smart Government Institutions to Support the Success of the Work of the President and Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia”.
Eddy said that the role of presidential public relations is to support presidential duties in informing government activities. The challenges of government public relations in this era of information technology development are very interesting, starting from strengthening social media, to developing creative content so that it is well disseminated to the public in order to strengthen the trust in the government.
Agus Purwanto, as the Deputy Dean II of the Vocational School of Undip, hopes that this webinar activity will be able to strengthen the link and match between the world of education and the industrial world. This is important, considering that graduates of this study program need to be equipped with practical knowledge so that graduates can become excellent Human Resources (HR) who are ready to work, especially in the office and public relations sector.
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