Two Engineering Faculty Lecturers: An Innovation
Diponegoro University continues to conduct research and create useful innovations as a research university in Central Java. From lots of innovations by Undip lecturers and students, there’s an innovation created by the lecturers from the Undip Faculty of Engineering. Prof. Dr. Ir. Nyoman Widiasa, S.T., M.T. and Dr. Rifky Ismail, S.T., M.T.
They explained the results of their research in the talk show Halo Central Java with TVRI with the theme “Undip Innovation during the Covid-19 Pandemic”. Research on membrane technology conducted by prof. Nyoman produced an innovation in treating wastewater into clean water. Water treatment equipment created using membrane technology and in the form of a portable device that allows it to be used to treat water from one place to another. This tool has the capacity to process 20,000 liters of clean water a day. This technology can be applied to overcome river water pollution that is being faced by Semarang residents.
The research conducted by Dr. Rifky uses biomedical engineering, a technology that combines medical science with engineering science. There are four categories in this technology, namely mechanics, materials, mechatronics (mechanics-electronics), and signal processing.
He has created the bionic hand which is an artificial hand robot that helps people with special needs to replace the function of the hand. The bionic hand is moved via a sensor with an electronic mobile so that the user can choose which finger to move.
Currently, the tool has five versions. Dr. Rifky is a bio-degradable screw, which is a screw that is implanted in the human body as a medical aid to help bone growth. Later, the couplers created by Undip lecturers no longer need to be taken from the human body because they use shells and crabs that are widely found in the cities of Demak, Rembang, and Pati so that they are safe in the human body.
The results of this innovation from two Undip Faculty of Engineering lecturers received support from many parties in the form of research funds from LPPM Undip, Kemenristek, and the Ministry of Education and Culture. Various research results from Undip lecturers are intellectual property which will later be registered with the Ministry of Law and Human Rights so that it becomes Undip’s patent rights, and can then be produced by Undip partners, including from the business, general, and government sectors. Through a license agreement, the results of innovation can be produced so that they can be distributed to the community and become new solutions with the latest technology and are environmentally friendly.
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