something better,
no amount of trauma can define you as a person
because no matter how much of a heartbreak you went through
you’re still you
no one can define you
but yourself
so don’t let others label you
how you feel
how you look
how you behave
screw them.
please take a look
at yourself
and sit together
you’re supposed to feel intense emotion
and that’s not a sign of weakness
to let yourself be vulnerable
is a power
you can talk to yourself
and reflect on yourself all night
but you don’t have to understand everything right now
you don’t have to figure it all out
give yourself
the warmest hug
because she needs your love
I know that the pain is there
but you were meant to be hurt by them
that was not fair
and not okay at all
but you’re gonna be fine
and that’s a promise you’ve already begun to fulfill