Public lecture prevents Religious Radicalism among Diponegoro University Students

Radicalism, which is a radical understanding with the aim of making political changes carried out in an extreme manner, should not ever grow in a nationalistic nation. However, this understanding is a latent danger that can arise at any time so that it is necessary to provide understanding and learning for Indonesian citizens to stick to their stance and not follow radicalism.
As a PTNBH in Indonesia that upholds the value of nationalism, Diponegoro University has conducted a National Ideology Strengthening Program for the entire academic community. His latest program is “Public Lecture: Preventing Religious-Based Radicalism Among Diponegoro University Students” which was held on 17 November 2020 live through the Zoom and Youtube applications.
TIMARU (Undip’s Anti-Radicalism Team), the event organizer, attend the event as presenters; Gus Taj Yasin Maimoen who served as Deputy Governor of Central Java, and Ir. Sutopo M.Sc., Ph.D. who is a lecturer at the Faculty of Animal Husbandry and Agriculture Undip. The moderator of this event was Dr. Ir. Munasik, M.Sc., a lecturer at the Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences, Undip.
The event was opened with remarks from the Undip Rector, Prof. Dr. Yos Johan Utama, S.H., M.Hum. He said that a sense of unity and oneness must be instilled in every human being from an early age. Indonesia, which is a multicultural country, has many religions, and religions should lead to mutual respect, mutual love, instead of mutual hatred. “Tolerance is important. We reject radicalism that carries religious jargon, which can cause disputes between religious people and other religious communities. We are all one, the Indonesian nation, ” said by prof. Yos in his speech.
The Deputy Governor of Central Java, Gus Yasin, revealed that there are religious knowledge providers who convey teachings that are different from those of the original religion. “Religion is true, its fanaticism that needs to be avoided”, said Gus Yasin. Viewed from a religious perspective, the seeds of radicalism can emerge when there is a feeling of fanaticism towards one group or school of thought.
He explained that the emergence of the seeds of radicalism must be prevented, as Indonesian citizens we must obey a nationalist government. Strong religion can be the basis but tolerance can go hand in hand. “Bhinneka Tunggal Ika unites differences in Indonesia. God created many different people, but differences are a blessing”, Gus Yasin stated.
The next material presented by Ir. Sutopo raised the theme “Efforts to Prevent Radicalism in Higher Education Campuses”. He explained that students are a target that is prone to being exposed to radicalism, because the spread of ideology requires smart people and students are looking for identity so that they have a desire to become big. The characteristic of radicalism that must be hostile to is actions that feel the most righteous and can harm others, for example the suicide bombing that’s referred as jihad.
Undip prohibits things that are against the Pancasila ideology. The establishment of TIMARU really helps students so they don’t get trapped in misleading and harmful mentoring. Undip does not support students, faculty, or alumni who are affiliated with radicalism. With the Ideology Strengthening Program in the form of a public lecture attended by the academic community and Undip students, it is hoped that it can increase a sense of nationalism and uphold the unity and integrity of the Republic of Indonesia.
To read the original article: read here.