Master Program of Environmental Science UNDIP Discusses Indonesia’s Readiness to Enter Green Development
The Master Program of Environmental Science at Diponegoro University (UNDIP) Postgraduate School dissects Indonesia’s readiness to enter the era of Green Development by holding an online national seminar entitled “Green Development and Licensing: Diplomacy, Device Readiness, and Standardization Patterns”. The theme of sustainable development is used as the main topic considering that the government is currently keen to build industrial estates as a priority effort to provide employment.
In addition to the existing industrial estates, 27 industrial estates are currently being prepared. This step is parallels with the enactment of Law Number 11 of 2020 concerning Job Creation, which is a manifestation of the government’s desire to boost investment.
What matters is whether industrial estate development is accompanied by a commitment to sustainable development. “Will the industrial area that is launched become an eco industry park?” Asked by the UNDIP Professor of Environmental Science Management who is also Deputy Chair of the National Research Council, Prof. Sudharto P Hadi MES, when presenting his thoughts in a seminar held online, on Wednesday, December 2.
In his presentation “Challenges of Green Development in the Investment Era”, the former Undip Rector who is familiar with the nickname Prof. Dharto revealed that in the green development concept, the industry can basically work together with various parties including local communities in order to reduce the impact of its activities. Including how to use natural resources properly and efficiently. “So, in essence, it is about how we are able to synergize economic, ecological, and social interests,” he said.
According to him, green investment is not just hosting industrial relocation from another country. A blueprint for sustainable industrial development, the type of industry that is built with an ecological concept and based on the local economy, can also provide added value for the welfare of residents around industrial estates.
As for the simplification of licensing, including the AMDAL which is the implementation of the passing of Law Number 11 of 2020 on Job Creation, it is able to simplify the licensing process so far, which is long, complex, and hinders economic growth.
Nevertheless, there is one environment with the use of space in the context of RDTR (Detailed Spatial Planning). “I see that the end of licensing is a worrying side that can cause environmental damage. Moreover, out of 514 districts and cities in Indonesia, there are only 56 regencies/cities that have RDTR,” he said.
In the seminar, which was opened by the Chair of the UNDIP MIL Study Program, Dr. Eng Maryono ST MT, it was revealed that this condition has the potential to reduce the quality of the AMDAL (Environmental Impact Analysis). Whereas in the sustainable development agenda, the mission of AMDAL is noble, namely as a strategic plan for sustainable development. “So in essence (how) to synergize economic, ecological, and social interests.”
Other speakers at this seminar were the Head of the Undip Postgraduate School Green Technology Research Center, Prof. Dr. Ir Purwanto DEA; Head of the Riau Province Environment and Forestry Service, Dr. Ir Mamun Murod MM MH; and Acting Head of the Environment and Forestry Service of Central Java Province, Widi Hartanto. The Head of the Undip Postgraduate School’s Green Technology Research Center raised the theme “Green Development Tools”.
According to Prof. Purwanto, the concept of industrial ecology equipment is designed to be environmentally friendly. The trick is to be able to integrate environmental aspects as part of sustainable development. In the green industry, sustainable development instruments and tools must be applied.
That way, the usage reduction of the amount of material for the manufacture of every good and service need can be done, also reducing energy in the production process, reducing the spread of toxic materials, maximizing the use of renewable resources, extending product life by conducting product life cycle studies and increasing the intensity of product use, and services.
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