ICZM Undip Participates in the Workshop on Preparation of the Brebes Coastal ICZM TOR
From Tuesday until Wednesday, the first and second December, a Term of Reference (ToR) arrangement Workshop of Masterplan ICZM Brebes Coastal had been held. This Workshop is an event held by the PUSDATARU agency of Central Java. They invited a lot of agencies and related parties that are affiliated with the ICZM (Integrated Coastal Zone Management) Team of Central Java. Moreover, UNDIP’s ICZM is one of the partners.
Located in Santika Premiere Hotel, Semarang, the event was started by the head of PUSDATARU agency, Ir. SR. Eko Yunianto., Sp.1. He stated that the northern coastal areas must be given more attention to anticipate the development of the industrial areas that have been arranged by the presidential decree.
It is also stated that the masterplan arrangement of Brebes coastal area has to be in accordance with the existing Spatial Plans because it already has a settled consideration of the management of water resources and coastal natural conditions.
The speakers who attended and gave material at this workshop included the Department of Marine Affairs and Fisheries of Central Java Province, represented by Ir. Lilik Harnadi, M.Si, M.Sc; a consortium of Indonesian-Dutch cooperation represented by Victor John Coenen from Witteveen + Bos; Bappeda Brebes Regency; as well as Dr.-Ing Wisnu Pradoto and Dr. Muhammad Helmi who represented the Center for ICZM, Diponegoro University.
Various materials from the profile of Brebes Regency, the potential and problems of the coastal area of Brebes, to the international example of ICZM are provided so that in the preparation of this TOR it can provide direction in accordance with the conditions of the coastal area of Brebes Regency.
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