Facing the New Normal, Public Relations is Required to be Adaptive and Responsive

Public Relations or often referred to as PR is one of the professions that is always present in every agency because it is the center of public communicators. Public Relations is also an inseparable part of an agency’s interaction. Currently, the Pandemic is changing the situation to be able to create higher, including PR work. The New Normal condition also requires PR to always be adaptive and responsive so that it can always exist in disseminating various information.
This is in line with the Public Lecture held by the Diponegoro University PSDKU Batang Public Relations Study Program which carries the topic of Adaptive and Responsive Public Relations in the New Normal Period on Friday, December 4, 2020, via Google Meet. This activity presented keynote speakers, namely Utami Setyowati, SS, M.I.Kom as Head of Sub-Section of Public Relations of UNDIP. Utami provided material related to how Public Relations should always be Adaptive and Responsive in this New Normal era.
Tested and useful innovation is needed to improve the quality of Public Relations itself, such as in UNDIP conducting online graduations using UNDIP-made robots, social media pages that are always active, news pages and information services, and so on. “At UNDIP itself, we are collaborating with experts in the IT department and others so that they can create something unique and certainly useful, such as robots and website management,” he said.
He also added that Public Relations must be able to collaborate with various parties to create strong relationships so that the programs launched can be achieved. “As PR persons, we also cannot be careless but communicative to all stakeholders instead because we cannot work alone,” he said. He also hopes that as a PR student, he must always be responsive to changes.
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