Diponegoro University: The 4th Best Uni on THE WUR 2021
Devita Salsabila | Nov 6, 2020 | Diponegoro University, Semarang, Indonesia

Diponegoro University, or as the Indonesians called it UNDIP (abbreviation for Universitas Diponegoro), has succeeded to maintain its predicate as one of the best universities in Indonesia. Rated by the Times Higher Education (THE) World University Ranking (WUR) 2021, UNDIP is placed in the 4th position among other recognized 9 Indonesian universities.
Releasing lists of the world top universities every year, THE has managed to rank more than 1,500 universities from 93 countries around the world. Among 4.500 Indonesian universities, 8 have managed to get ranked in the WUR 2021.
While UNDIP succeeded to get 1.000+ rank across the world universities, Indonesian University (UI) gets on the 801–1.000 world position. Bandung Institute of Technology (Indonesia’s 2nd place) has put in the world’s 1.000+ position as well as Gadjah Mada University (Indonesia’s 5th place), Bogor Agricultural Institute (Indonesia’s 6th place), Padjajaran University (Indonesia’s 7th place), and Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology (Indonesia’s 8th position). One of Indonesian Private Uni, Telkom University, has been placed in Indonesia’s 9th position maintaining 1001+ rank across the world.
This year has been the largest and the most diverse ranking that could ever be managed by THE WUR. They have carefully calibrated 13 performance indicators with five basic scopes; teaching, research, citation (impact of researches), knowledge transfer, and international outlook.
Prof. Dr. Yos Johan Utama LLB LLM, the rector of Diponegoro University, stated that the university's 4th rank position is all the hard work of members of the academic community, including alumni who contribute through their respective roles. “We hope that our ranking can be better every year. With all the existing limitations, we are grateful for what we can achieve now,” said Prof. Yos Johan, on Monday (2/11/2020).
According to Yos, the attempt to fix a reputation on a global scale is a necessity. Hence, he emphasized to always strive for an improvement in any Semarang university’s aspects to give more contribution to the country and the community.
On the global scale, THE WUR 2021 stated that 8 out of 10 best universities are located in the U.S. However, the best world university in 2021 is Oxford University and Cambridge University, located in England. As both of the England universities are placed in the 6th rank, the other 8 universities are Stanford University, Harvard University, California Institute of Technology, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, University of California, Berkeley; Universitas Yale, Universitas Prince Town, and The University of Chicago.
On the one hand, Tsing Hua University, which is located in China, is recorded as the only Asian university that succeeded to come through the world’s top 20 rankings.
Prof Ir Nizam MSc DIC Ph.D., the Indonesian Director-General of Higher Education at Ministry of Education and Culture, cherishes all the 8 state universities for they succeeded to be some of the best universities in the Times Higher Education (THE) World University Rankings 2021.
He stated that the Ministry of Education and Culture congratulates and appreciates the 8 universities' achievement. “Though the ranks are not the objectives, we must congratulate and appreciate all the 8 universities' achievement,” he said.
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