Developing Digital Business with Undip’s Alumni

On Saturday 7 November 2020, the Directorate of Communications and Alumni Relations in collaboration with the Undip KKIB Business Incubator has carried out the Teaching Alumni Stage 1 of 2020.
This activity has become an annual routine agenda. Drs. Mujid Farihul Amin, M.Pd. as the Director of Communications and Alumni Relations, stated that the topic choice of Digital Business Development was the right thing to do. In an era that is all disruption like today, the development of digital business seems to be getting faster. Therefore, the students with alumni and the academic community of Diponegoro University need to prepare and anticipate it well.
The event was opened and fully attended by Dwi Cahyo Utomo, SE, M.Sc, Ph.D., Akt, who represented university leaders. In his remarks, the Undip Acting Deputy Chancellor for Communication and Business expressed his very good appreciation for this activity, at the same time leaving messages to students so that they always want to try new things, and don’t be afraid to fail.
The event was attended by 323 participants and 2 speakers who are experts in their respective roles. The first speaker was Ir Arif Kurniawan, MM as the
Commissioner of JNE Limited Company. Arif Kurniawan is an alumnus of The Science and Mathematics Faculty. He stated to the participants not to be afraid of the existing competitors because their existence could be a challenge for us to develop our business as long as we’re being creative and innovative.
Meanwhile, the second speaker was Ir Daniel Lukito, MM, MSc. He is the founder of the Jordan Plastik Limited Company. Unlike Arif Kurniawan, Daniel Lukito is still a student in Undip Economics Doctoral Program. Throughout his journey, he stated that being an entrepreneur is not always smooth, but he can learn a lot of lessons and experiences to develop his business in the future.
This activity was conducted by Idris, SE, M.Si as the head of KKIB Business Incubator. He thought that if the time was not limited, then there would be still many questions coming from the audiences. Although the event was held online, everyone’s enthusiasm was very good.
Based on the event’s topic of discussion, we could tell that the alumni are supporting the implementation of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). They’re supporting SDGs through SDGs number 4 (Quality Education), SDGs number 8 (Decent Work & Economic Growth), and SDGs number 9 (Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure). This matter has become a commitment from the University leadership to always support the SDGs in their every activity.
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