Clarivate Plc Honors UNDIP as an Innovative Academic Institution in Southeast and South Asia
An international institution committed to accelerating the pace of innovation, Clarivate Plc, has named Diponegoro University (UNDIP) as one of the most innovative academic institutions in Southeast and South Asia in 2020.
Similar awards were also given to the University of Brunei Darussalam (Brunei Darussalam), Indian Institute of Technology Bombay (India), National University of Malaysia (Malaysia), Cebu Technological University (Philippines), Singapore National University of Singapore (Singapore), and Hanoi University of Science and Technology (Vietnam).
The award is only given to one institution in each country. Thus, Undip is the only university in Indonesia to have received the South and South East Asia Innovation Award 2020 from Clarivate Plc.
Clarivate was founded in 2016, previously being the Intellectual Property and Science division of Thomson Reuters. Clarivate became an independent company after the acquisition of Thomson Reuters Intellectual Property and Science Business.
Undip Rector, Prof. Dr. Yos Johan Utama SH MHum expressed his gratitude for the appreciation of international institutions for the progress of the Undip academic community. “We are grateful for the awards from external parties. However, it should be noted that this is not Undip’s main objective,” stated by him on Wednesday, December 23, 2020.
According to Prof. Yos, many indicators are used as benchmarks for the achievement of the institution he leads. Including indicators that are relevant in Undip’s position as a PTN BH (Legal Entity State University). However, it is recognized that external appreciation can be an internal measure of work.
List of recipients of the 2020 South and South East Asia Innovation Award from Clarivate:

Apart from higher education institutions, innovation awards are also given to government-owned research institutions. The Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI) was listed as the recipient of the Southeast and South Asia Innovation Award from Clarivate Plc in 2020.
Meanwhile from India, there is the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, then the Malaysian Palm Oil Board Malaysia, the Singapore Agency for Science, Technology, and Research, and the Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology Vietnam.
For the corporate category, PT Pertamina is one of the companies in Southeast and South Asia to receive awards for its innovation in 2020. Several companies that received similar awards were Petronas from Malaysia, Sivantos Group from Singapore, MAS Holdings from Sri Lanka, Siam Cement Group from Thailand, and Viettel Group from Vietnam.
The award, which was given in the third week of November 2020 was held in conjunction with the Innovation Forum which brought together leaders from the academic sector, government, and industry in Southeast and South Asia to share experiences in transforming and accelerating the pace of innovation. President of IP Group Clarivate Plc, Jeff Roy, said his institution was very happy to be able to host a forum for regional leaders and experts who have dedicated their lives to innovation.
“We are committed to increasing creating, protecting (copyright works), and advancing innovation. Bringing together innovators from academia with government and industry will keep innovation growing and have a positive impact on social, economic, and technological life, “said Jeff Roy as published on
According to him, the award was given after monitoring and analysis of the volume of patents, the volume of citations, the success of patents, and their global capabilities. The patent data used are from the Derwent World Patents Index ™ (DWPI) and the Derwent Patent Citations Index ™ (DPCI), which are the most comprehensive patent information database management agencies in the world.
There are at least 235 universities, government research institutes, and corporations in Southeast and South Asia identified as innovators. From that result, Clarivate gave innovation awards to 28 institutions in the top positions.
The Innovation Forum, which was held virtually by Clarivate, was opened by the CEO of NITI Aayog, Amitabh Kant. In his oration, Amitabh revealed how the Indian Government’s commitment to encouraging research and innovation, and how to protect intellectual property. “India is pushing up R&D spending substantially. The Indian government also applies patent rights and strict contract rules to increase the confidence of innovators,” he said.
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