An Eco-Friendly Substitution Fuel Innovation at Undip

Nowadays, the energy crisis especially oil and gas energy has been a critical issue that should found a solution as soon as possible. Indonesia’s necessity for oil and gas is increasing every day along with the growth of the population. On the other hand, lifestyle and the community’s habit of consumerism towards food courts are also increasing, which caused environmental pollution due to the high number of food courts and its liquid waste.
There is a lot of substitution fuel that has been made already. However, the existing substitutions are made from vegetable raw materials such as palm oil, castor oil, sweet potato, and many more. These vegetable raw materials are still having high economic values, therefore, some of Diponegoro University students are joining Undip’s Student Creativity Program in the Exact Science Research field.
Under the guide of Prof. Dr. I Nyoman Widiasa, B.Eng M.Eng (Bachelor’s lecturer of Chemical Engineering at Undip), Peter Kusnadi (Bachelor’s degree-Chemical Engineering), Nadiyah Faizi Polontalo (Bachelor’s degree-Chemical Engineering), and David Berkat Hotmatua Simbolon (Bachelor’s degree-Chemical Engineering) are the team who reviews an innovation of substitute fuel originating from waste.
These innovation reviews will use liquid waste as in the food court’s waste, which they are rich in fat, oil, and high fatty acid. The innovation methodology in the making of the substitution fuel is a certified methodology and catalytic cracking with the use of natural zeolite.
This innovation is expected to produce a new substitution fuel with high quality and is helpful to resolve the energy crisis and environmental pollution caused by the liquid waste of food court happening in Indonesia.
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