the eternal flamesI long for slow love — the kind that burns gently, so I can maintain a distance and observe from afar.Oct 10, 2024Oct 10, 2024
something better,no amount of trauma can define you as a person because no matter how much of a heartbreak you went through you’re still you no one can…Sep 21, 2024Sep 21, 2024
it was a normal Saturday for Himit was Saturday and the skies were crystal clear the sunlight was nice to walk by but I saw raindrops from my window last week we were…Sep 20, 2024Sep 20, 2024
UNDIP Loses a Professor of Criminal Law ExpertDiponegoro University is grieving the loss of one of the best professors from the Faculty of Law, Prof. Dr. H. H. Muladi, SH.Dec 31, 2020Dec 31, 2020
Undip Collaborates “Independent Campus Program” with the Bank Indonesia InstituteOn Tuesday, December 29, 2020, a cooperation agreement was signed between Diponegoro University and the Bank Indonesia Institute regarding…Dec 31, 2020Dec 31, 2020